Tuesday, February 5, 2013

design wall reality

For 2 years I have had the incomplete makings of a one-block wonder pinned to my makeshift design wall (pink insulation board covered in batting).  I walk (struggle) by it every day on the way to my machine, and the fabric 1/2 hexagons keep falling off, and I repin them randomly or even get them back at their right "spot."  But this ufo is just not on my priority list for 2013.  So today I took down all those 1/2 hexagons and their mirror mates, pinned them together in pairs, and stored them in a nice clear plastic shoe box.   So now I have a blank design wall, and I can play with my pink terms of endearment, and 2012 pink and white sample blocks, and actually make progress! 
Moral:  a design wall filled with a project you're not doing, is just clutter. Move on!

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